1) Reception & Registration

Objective :

Ensure an efficient and welcoming initial care.. Patient Reception: The reception staff greets each patient with courtesy and empathy.

Registration :

Collection of personal and medical information from the patient, including relevant medical history.

2) Medical Consultation

Objective :

Establish a precise diagnosis and develop a personalized treatment protocol. Meeting with the Radiation Oncologist: Discuss the patient's health status, review medical history, and conduct necessary clinical examinations.

Treatment Plan :

The doctor explains the proposed treatment plan, including the objectives, steps, and expectations.

3) Administration: Admission Opening, Medical Protocol, and Payment

Objective :

Formalize the admission and prepare for the implementation of the treatment.

Admission Opening :

Creation of the patient's medical record for ongoing monitoring.

Payment Management :

Explanation of payment modalities (check, cash, coverage (PEC), card payment terminals, etc.)

4) Dedicated Scanner: Localization

Objective :

Acquire a scanner in the treatment position with appropriate immobilization devices for localization.

5) Treatment Preparation: Medical Contouring & Dosimetry

Contouring :

The radiation oncologist delineates the tumor and risk organs on the CT scan images.

Dosimetry :

The physicist creates a detailed treatment plan to achieve optimal and precise dose distribution according to the available innovative techniques.

6) Pre-Treatment Quality Assurance

Objective :

An essential, mandatory step to ensure the reproducibility of the treatment on the machine according to the previously calculated parameters.

7) Radiotherapy Treatment

Objective :

Administer the treatment according to the established plan.

Patient Setup :

Precise positioning of the patient on the machine.

Continuous Monitoring :

Schedule and arrange daily appointments for treatment. Technicians monitor in real-time to ensure safety and effectiveness.

8) Weekly Post-Treatment Monitoring :

Objective :

Assess the effectiveness and proper progression of the treatment.

Immediate Follow-Up :

Post-treatment examination to evaluate the initial response to the treatment.

Follow-Up Consultations :

Schedule regular appointments to monitor overall health, manage side effects, and adjust the treatment plan if necessary.

Ongoing Support :

Ongoing Support : Provide continuous medical and psychological support to assist patients in their recovery and overall well-being.